Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Class 2, Assignment 9

I used regular, old Notepad for this. It was very simple and straight forward.

Yay!! I got my website to run!

Class 2, Assignment 3

Here is the cropped Learning Ladder page. Edits were made using GIMP

Assignment 2-2: My GIMP Photo

This is a photo that was taken of me at a retreat earlier this year. I used paint to write my name, pencil to draw bunny ears on myself, and smudge to mix all of the colors on my scarf together.

Assignment 2-1: What is Immersive Education?

Our professor explains what immersive education is and what it includes such as virtual worlds, learning games, simulations, and Full, Augmented and Mixed (FAM) reality

People can work together simultaneously to design and construct a virtual building.This allows for the model to be completed in a much shorter time than in real life.

This is a part of the Smithsonian Virtual Watershed which allows for teachers to show students virtual life size environments

Class 1 Assignment 5: My Source Code Editor

Class 1 Assignment 4: Experimenting with GIMP

Class 1, Assignment 5

My Name is Ei Jung Kim

My name is Ei Jung Kim. I am a junior in CSOM concentrating in operations and marketing with a minor in philosophy. I was born in South Korea, but I moved to the US when I was 4 and have been living here ever since. I live in Nutley, NJ, but I really love Boston and am hoping to get a job here after graduation. In my spare time, I love to watch TV shows on Netflix, cook, sleep, and hang out with my friends. Some of the organizations that I am involved with on campus include UGBC, Women in Business, and charity: water.